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about our titles -- covers, excerpts, author interviews, reading-group
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Penguin Random House Special Notices: Publisher's Weekly Advertisements
PW Remainder Ad - June 2025 - PDF
PW Remainder Ad - June 2025 - Excel
Please click the link above for an excel spreadsheet of the current list of titles that may be returned for full credit during the next 180 days. Returns must be received by 06/30/2020. Alternate editions of these titles may continue to be offered.
Customers will be notified that a title has been remaindered as follows:
- A list of newly remaindered titles will be published quarterly in Publishers Weekly.
- A title's remainder status will be indicated with a "RM" along with a "final return date" in the 832 feed.
- A list of remaindered titles is posted below as MS Excel files:
Customers will be given 180 days after notification that a title has been remaindered to return it for credit. Any book received after the 180-day window will not be credited. Penguin Random House will return, at the customer's expense, and no credit will be issued for any titles received after the final return date. If the customer refuses and/or returns the product back to Penguin Random House, the product will be destroyed, and no credit will be issued. For additional information on this policy, or the 832 feed, please contact Penguin Random House Customer Service (800-733-3000) or you may contact your Penguin Random House Sales Representative.
We encourage you to tell us what you think about Bookseller Services: anything we could
add, what works for you, and any other additional information that can help us improve
this site. Thank you. Email us here.